Working with a group of people in a live-learning environment, the sense of relief that comes from this shared experience is immense and palpable. Even though all grief is different, the best thing about cohort-learning is meeting people who appreciate what you're going through. The unexpected ways they validate and echo your feelings and experiences, will make you feel less alone and a whole lot more normal! While every cohort is different, the relief and reward that comes from shared group learning is always the same.
The interaction with Dr Lucy Hone, and having live access to her, and her team of experts, allows you to ask questions, raise your concerns, feel validated in your experience, all the while being held in a safe, caring, and highly professional environment.
You’ll be able to retain on-going access to recordings of the workshops, and the supporting course materials. This means if you can’t make a session, that’s okay - join us live when you can, and catch up later. You will still receive huge value from this course.
Book a 15 minute One-on-One discovery call with Dr Lucy to check if the course is a good fit for you:
(Free and no-obligation - I'd love to chat with you).