Introduction to the Science & Practice of Resilient Grieving
A self-directed course to expand your professional toolkit and make you a better coach.
What is in this programme?
Created in response to strong demand from coaches and other helping professionals, our introductory course builds the foundations of grief literacy and expands your coaching toolkit. 

So much grief goes unacknowledged and unspoken, causing untold harm, and keeping people stuck and helpless. We’re on a mission to change that!

Equipped with new tools and insights on Resilient Grieving you’ll be able to empower your clients to take an active approach to managing their grief. 

Participation in this course will enable you to teach clients how to live and grieve at the same time.
Upskill Fast:
4 Session Course
Delivered in four Sessions, this course will grow your confidence and competence to support clients who are coping with various types of loss.
Bite-sized Videos: Science and practice expertly combined
Make learning easy with engaging bite-sized videos that share the best findings from contemporary grief research and resilience science.
Workbooks & Coaching Tools
Easy to digest summaries of each Session, including Personal Reflection Tools, Coaching Tools, Client Handouts, and Developing Your Practice Questions that you can use immediately.

By the end of this course you will:

1. Master key concepts in the Resilient Grieving approach to coping with loss. Replace helplessness and overwhelm with agency and resilience, enabling your clients to find their way forward.

2. Access practical tools that make a noticeable difference and ensure your practice is underpinned by robust science. You can rely on our years of research and experience working globally with bereaved clients.

3. Increase your skill in recognising loss and grief in your clients. Being able to recognise and acknowledge losses of all kinds validates clients’ struggles, and strengthens the coach-client alliance.

4. Grow your competence and confidence, knowing you are up to date with the latest research for your clients. Replace old models like the (now debunked) Five Stages of Grief with contemporary findings.

What people say...
“As a PreKure Mental Health Coach, Funeral Celebrant and Integrative Cancer Coach, I have seen the impact of “Resilient Grieving” to help those blindsided by grief to simply breathe easier and then to gain some feeling of control. Lucy’s work is a beacon. It busts through the old grief myths and offers a door through which to contemplate the possibility of reappraisal and renewal.”
Susie Brown
PreKure Mental Health Coach
Coping With Loss
“Lucy and Denise share a wealth of professional knowledge, and courageously combine the science of well-being and resilience psychology with real-life experience. Their delivery is warm and heartfelt, while the content offered a practical approach to resilient grieving, with evidence-based strategies, and tools that could be used with immediate effect. This learning is particularly relevant to healthcare professionals, working with individuals and their families at the end of life.”
Jacqui Swain
Coping With Loss
“I can't believe how much I've got out of this course. I learnt a lot, words to help describe or label thoughts and emotions. I enjoyed the science-based approach too and all the wonderful resources. I don't think my journey stops here, it’s made me more curious and not to be afraid, embrace the knowledge. Wonderful that you can go back and listen to again."
Jo Dobson
Occupational Therapist
Coping With Loss
“We have been using the Resilient Grieving model in our bereavement groups for about 3 years now. We introduced it after I read Resilient Grieving and was blown away (to my shame) that grief was the only clinical area where I was not applying the resilience research and understanding. I see the RG model helps embody the dual process model in our groups in a way that I had not managed before. It gives time for the loss orientated processing but also gives real time and place to the restoration orientated approach."
Clinical Psychologist, Wales
Coping With Loss

How does the programme work?

Whether you’re a coach or another form of helping professional, learning about Resilient Grieving is going to teach you vital skills for helping those who are coping with loss. 

Fifteen years of working in resilience psychology and more than a decade supporting people in grief has taught us three vital lessons: 1) just how much grief goes unnoticed and unacknowledged; 2) the scale of harm that causes; and 3) the large number of people who are desperate for tools to help them manage their grief. 

People want to be active participants exerting control over their struggles where they can, rather than helpless victims. They need coaches and other helping professionals who can support them on that journey.

Whether your clients recognise what they are feeling is grief or not, understanding the fundamental insights and strategies of Resilient Grieving will allow you to respond to their needs with the research-informed, and highly practical tools we’ve seen work for people globally. 

Help your clients feel more optimistic and empowered to face the future by upskilling in Resilient Grieving now.

This four-session introductory course will qualify for 9 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points.

Course participants will receive a Certificate of Completion after satisfactory completion of a brief online course assessment. 

Graduates holding a Certificate of Completion from this course will be able to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for the Certificate in the Science & Practice of Resilient Grieving, scheduled for release in 2025. Only those participants who successfully complete this advanced Certificate in the Science & Practice of Resilient Grieving will be Accredited as Resilient Grieving Coaches.

This course includes four Sessions:

Session 1: Understanding loss and grief

Session 2: Resilient Grieving

Session 3: Emotions and grief

Session 4: Relationships and grief

Each Session features: bite-sized videos with Dr Hone and Dr Quinlan covering key concepts; workbooks including Reflection Tools, Coaching Tools, Resilient Grieving jigsaw pieces (for sharing with clients), Developing Your Practice Questions, Client Handouts and optional Deeper Dive resources. 

Grow your toolkit and become a better coach.
Empower your clients with hope, belief and actionable tools.
Start your Introduction to the Science & Practice of Resilient Grieving today.
One-Time Purchase
Introductory Price
FOR $599 AUD