Dr Denise Quinlan - why coaches should focus on grieving clients' strengths
EP9 - An Appreciative Inquiry Approach To Loss
Neena talks about her own challenges and personal loss and how she has learned to ‘be present to what life is presenting’.

Surrender is not giving up, rather it is opening up to the emergent to what is unfolding’.

Denise talks to Dr Neena Verma about the learning and growth that can occur when we are able to accept what is unfolding in our lives, even when that’s hard. Neena talks about her own challenges and personal loss and how she has learned to ‘be present to what life is presenting’. A long-standing practitioner of Appreciative Inquiry, she has been a pioneer of turning this appreciative focus to the shadow side of our lives and using it to find acceptance and growth through challenge.


Dr Neena Verma specializes in Appreciative Inquiry for individual, group & whole system learning & growth. Trained in Appreciative Inquiry with Professors David Cooperrider & Ronald Fry (Co-creators of Appreciative Inquiry) with a doctorate in Organization Behaviour & Development from University of Delhi, Neena is the author of “A Mother’s Cry ... A Mother’s Growth” and “Appreciative Inquiry: Practitioners’ Guide for Generative Change and Development”. She was lead-editor of AI Practitioner’s (International Journal of Appreciative Inquiry) May 2020 issue on the theme “Grief & Growth”.

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